Ofsted Accreditation

Ashbourne was judged as outstanding in all areas in its latest Ofsted report, 2021.

Ashbourne College Ofsted Report

Ashbourne, like all UK schools and sixth form colleges, is subject to regular Ofsted inspections. The most recent inspection was conducted 7-9 December 2021.

This inspection was carried out under section 109(1) and (2) of the Education and Skills Act 2008, the purpose of which is to advise the Secretary of State for Education about the school’s suitability for continued registration as an independent school.

Ashbourne College Ofsted Report, 2021

Area Rating
Overall effectiveness Outstanding
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Sixth-form provision Outstanding

What is it like to attend this school?

  • Pupils enjoy being part of a diverse community of people from all over the world.
  • Teachers encourage them to be confident and independent, while providing a safety net of support.
  • Staff have high aspirations for all pupils. In return, pupils are ambitious and driven to achieve the best possible results.
  • They receive tailored and individual support with applications to top universities and apprenticeships.
  • Pupils feel safe at school.
  • Their mental health is given high priority.
  • Behaviour is exemplary.
  • Staff do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind.
  • Staff provide many extra-curricular and educational opportunities for pupils outside of lessons. These take advantage of the college’s location in central London.
  • Sixth-form students visit museums, art galleries and the theatre as part of their studies.
  • They can choose from a huge variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs.
  • Some of these are subject based to further develop students’ love of learning.

What is it like to attend this school? 2024

  • Pupils display exemplary behaviours and attitudes to their work, and to others. The school, thus, has an extraordinary happy, calm and purposeful environment.
  • Pupils come from a wide range of countries and cultures.
  • Pupils welcome the opportunities to make new friends and socialise with people from different countries. This enriches their knowledge and understanding of people from across the globe.
  • There are very strong working and trusting relationships between pupils and staff.
  • Staff provide pupils with high quality pastoral and academic support, enabling them to excel.
  • The school strives, and succeeds, in all pupils achieving high academic results.
  • Pupils can choose to study courses from a vast range of subjects, each taught by experts. There are no barriers. For instance, the school adapts lesson timetables so that every pupil can study all the subjects of their choice.
  • Pupils leave the school extremely well-prepared for the next stages of their education.
  • The school encourages pupils to take on responsibilities. For example, pupils can join the model United Nations club. They debate, alongside other schools, as ‘representatives’ of different countries. Others take initiatives and set up activities at lunchtime, like the entrepreneur club. These opportunities develop pupils’ independence, confidence and sense of citizenship.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

  • All pupils experience a broad and flexible curriculum.
  • Sixth-form students can choose any combination of A levels, selected from a large range of subjects.
  • Teachers are experts in their subjects.
  • They go above and beyond the examination requirements in lessons. Pupils typically said this makes their learning ‘three dimensional’.
  • Teachers make adaptations to the order in which they teach the examination course. They do this to give pupils the building blocks of knowledge to help them progress to more-complex topics.
  • Staff achieve a balance between encouraging pupils’ independence and offering support.
  • Teachers are always there to help them. They provide subject ‘clinics’ each week.
  • Small class sizes help to ensure all pupils make excellent progress.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) also benefit from this.
  • Leaders of SEND work with teachers to help them plan for specific needs.
  • Staff work hard to expand sixth-form students’ learning beyond the academic.
  • There is a vast and well-planned programme of enrichment activities.
  • The development of leadership skills is a focus within the school.
  • Many sixth-form students take part in the student council.
  • Students in the sixth form take on mentoring roles to support each other with academic work.
  • Pupils respect the views of others.Their behaviour is excellent. They are polite to each other and to visitors.
  • Lessons have no disruption to learning.
  • Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
  • They receive expert and individual guidance.
  • Students in Year 13 have a tutor dedicated to the university application process. This helps them gain places at top universities.
  • The proprietor and director of studies work hard to meet legal requirements. As a result, the independent school standards are met in full.
  • Leaders seek ways to make the school better.
  • Leaders are approachable and supportive of staff workload. They provide opportunities for professional development that take teachers beyond their subject areas.
  • Leaders ensure that the school complies with schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better? 2024

  • The school has designed a broad, rich and highly ambitious curriculum.
  • The school keeps every subject under regular annual review to make sure that it meets the needs of different cohorts.
  • Subject leaders ensure that the order in which they teach new knowledge is best suited to the needs of the intake.
  • Across the subjects, the school gives pupils extra work beyond the examination requirements. This, which includes reading and relevant news articles, broadens and deepens pupils’ understanding.
  • Staff provide pupils with effective recall activities that help pupils to remember key knowledge and concepts, in the long term.
  • The school has effective systems for identifying and assessing the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It makes staff aware of how to support them so that they can succeed well in their studies.
  • The school also caters well for pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL). It includes a bespoke course to support entry to British universities for EAL pupils. The support available also ensures that all pupils read English with confidence and fluency.
  • Pupils get much individual attention in the small classes. These enable all pupils, including those with SEND, to address their knowledge gaps and keep up. Staff constantly check on pupils’ knowledge and understanding.
  • Teachers are readily available to help pupils both in and out of class. Furthermore, every subject runs a weekly clinic that pupils can attend and ask for extra help.
  • Every half term pupils record their self-reflections on their learning in each subject. This is followed by one-to-one discussions with their personal tutors. Together they set targets and plan for improvement. These approaches, combined with high-quality teaching, ensures that pupils progress very well through the curriculum. As a result, all pupils’ achievements are high.
  • Published national qualification results in all subjects are consistently above national averages.
  • Destinations information show that students go on to study a very wide range of academic subjects. These are predominately at highly rated providers.
  • Pupils are highly motivated and set to work quickly. They work diligently and with determination to succeed. They use the school facilities for independent study when they have a free lesson. These very positive attitudes play a major role in their academic success.
  • The school’s careers guidance and information work is exceptional. It is well-tailored to individual pupils’ interests, ambitions and aspirations. It includes an annual careers day, with visiting professionals talking about their roles.
  • The school also offers pupils support with finding work experience and volunteering opportunities. The school offers impartial advice about university courses as well as apprenticeships. Those applying to overseas universities are equally well assisted.
  • This attention to detail, combined with extra bespoke support as required for entry into top-rate universities and specific courses, ensures that pupils have the very best chance of moving onto their desired placements.
  • Pupils have multiple enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom. These are arranged both by the school and by pupils for their peers. Many of these enhance pupils’ formal learning. For example, they visit museums, art galleries, the theatre, observatories and attend lectures at universities.
  • Pupils have opportunities to participate in trips to places in the UK, Europe and further abroad and to engage in meaningful volunteering work.
  • Pupils are also involved in arranging social events such as go-karting and sushi making. The `Revue’ is an annual event that gives pupils opportunities to showcase their work, talents and interests. The programme for this annual event includes modelling of clothes created by pupils in textiles classes and a range of musical performances.
  • The proprietor has a very high presence and oversight of the school’s work.
  • The school makes it a priority to support staff professional development and their personal well-being.
  • The proprietor ensures that staff have a suitable work-life balance. The school’s strong focus on positive personal and professional support for staff is a key factor in staff retention. All staff can, and do, focus clearly on their core roles of teaching and support.
  • The school regularly communicates with parents and carers. This includes through half termly webinars to make it accessible for the many parents who live abroad.
  • The proprietor pays much attention in ensuring that the school’s premises are maintained to a high standard. This makes the school a pleasant place to work and learn.
  • The school meets the independent school standards. The accessibility plan complies with schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Several staff are mental health first aiders.
  • They know how to recognise issues and provide appropriate help.
  • All staff have had up-to-date training, including for online safety and peer-on-peer abuse.
    They subscribe to the school’s ‘five golden rules’ of safeguarding.
  • The safeguarding policy is published on the school’s website and reflects current guidance.

Safeguarding 2024

  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

School details

Name of school: Ashbourne College
DfE registration number: 207/6348
Unique reference number: 100537
Local authority: Kensington and Chelsea
Type of school: Other independent school
Category: Independent school
Date college opened: 1981
Age range of students: 13-21
Gender of pupils: Mixed
Gender of pupils in the sixth form: Mixed
Number on roll (full time students): 218
Of which, number on roll in sixth form: 202
Number of part-time pupils: Not applicable
Proprietor: Michael Kirby
Head teacher: Michael Kirby
Annual fees (day pupils): £28, 500
Telephone number: 020 7937 3858
Email address: [email protected]
Date of previous inspection: 31 January-2 February 2018

Ashbourne College Ofsted Reports

Ofsted website publishes all reports for Ashbourne College

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