Testing and Report Policy

Ashbourne teachers continually monitor and reassess students’ current Working Grades and Target Grades.
Students are given Working Grades at the end of each half term. These are typically derived from mock exams (also then half-termly) but can also be arrived at through a combination of:
A. Mock Examinations
B. Coursework draft
C. Practical assessments (e.g. for Art subjects)
D. A collection of homework assignments/essays
Ashbourne teachers aim to optimise the grades students achieve on examinations and therefore assessments of Working Grades will always take into consideration assessment objectives for each subject and/or past paper questions. Ashbourne teachers realise there is a significant difference between subject knowledge and knowledge required to obtaining examination marks under timed conditions.
Ashbourne will provide feedback to parents about student progress four times per year at the end of each half term: October, December, February and March.
Working Grade and Target Grade
Please refer to the Grades and Definitions document for a full description. In general the Working Grade will be the most important performance indicator.
Report Writing and Communication to Parents
Teachers’ reports and feedback during parents’ evening should include the following:
1) Highlights of students positive achievements.
2) Identification of any areas that require improvement.
3) Provide clear instructions on how to improve, for example using the SMART objective guide: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timeframe.
Entry into Year 12 and 13 at Ashbourne
A reminder that the following grades expectations are required for students to enter Year 12 and Year 13 respectively.
Year 11 to Year 12 – minimum 6 grade 6s for GCSE examinations
Year 12 to Year 13 – minimum 3Cs for AS examinations
If you have any concerns about this, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Studies.