Supervision Policy

1.1 Scope: This policy applies to staff (including volunteers) at Ashbourne College (College). This policy can be read with the College’s Code of Conduct for Staff and staff job descriptions. Almost all of the students at the College are over 15. The supervision at the College reflects that students are encouraged to be responsible and independent.
1.2 Publication: This policy is provided to all staff in the Staff Handbook which is available on the College website.
1.3 Policy aims: Through the operation of this policy we aim to:
· protect the health and safety of students at the College; and
· ensure that staff at the College are aware of how staff are deployed to ensure the proper supervision of students.
2.1 The Directors delegate appropriate responsibilities for the day to day management of the College to the Principal. In practice, all members of staff contribute to the safety of students at the College by providing appropriate supervision in accordance with the directions of the Principal and Senior Management Team. Schools are under a general duty to supervise students to the standard of a prudent or careful parent.
3.1 A number of supervision risk assessments have been completed by the College in order to calculate appropriate supervision levels, which take into account:
3.1.1 the age, abilities and any special needs of the students in the College;
3.1.2 the number of students at the College;
3.1.3 the College environment;
3.1.4 the foreseeable hazards and who might be affected by them;
3.1.5 the safety measures that need to be in place to reduce risks to an acceptable level;
3.1.6 the steps that can be taken in an emergency;
3.1.7 the availability of first aid cover;
3.1.8 the number and ability of staff available.
4.1 During the College day, staff are deployed as follows:
4.1.1 All classes will be supervised either by the relevant teacher or by a cover teacher if necessary.
4.1.2 There is a member of the senior management team on duty every day. S/he has overall responsibility for supervision/discipline/welfare across the entire College.
5.1 Students are allowed on the College site from 8.30 am and they should go directly to the common areas or the library.
6.1 Details of the ratios for educational visits are contained in the College’s Risk Assessments for Educational Visits Policy, which is contained in the Staff Handbook, the Students’ Handbook and published on the College’s website.
7.1 Teachers or staff who are supervising in remote areas should take a fully charged mobile phone with them. If a hazardous activity is taking place in a remote area, at least two members of staff should supervise.
8.1 PE is supervised by a member of the teaching staff or an adequately checked and trained professional.
8.2 When students are changing or showering, staff should take into account guidance in Code of Conduct for Staff, particularly the need for privacy, while balancing health and safety requirements.
9.1 This Policy will be reviewed every two years by the Director of Studies, and updated as necessary. In undertaking the review the Director of Studies will take into account any incidents in the Student Database that indicate that there may be problems with supervision and any issues raised about supervision by individual members of staff, parents and students.