Staff Grievance Procedure

1. Introduction
If you have any grievance relating to any aspect of your employment, including any complaint about action which the College has taken or is contemplating taking you should endeavour to have it settled in accordance with this procedure. This procedure is not appropriate for disciplinary or capability matters. The appropriate procedures for these matters are contained elsewhere within the Staff Handbook.
2. Flexibility
The College will usually follow this procedure in the event that you raise a grievance. However, there may be occasions depending on the circumstances of each case when the College considers it appropriate to change or omit parts of the procedure.
3. Amendments
If the College amends this procedure from time to time, you will be given advance notice of the amendments.
4. Timescale
All steps under this grievance procedure should be taken without unreasonable delay.
The procedure
5. Raising your grievance
Problems relating to your employment should be resolved fairly, promptly and as near as possible to the point of origin i.e. between the persons involved. Therefore, in the first instance you should raise the grievance orally and informally with any other person involved.
6. Formal grievance
If it is not appropriate to raise your grievance orally and informally or this does not resolve your grievance, you should set out your formal grievance in writing and pass it to the Director of Studies. If your grievance concerns the Director of Studies, you should submit your formal grievance to the Principal. If your grievance concerns the Principal, you should submit your formal grievance to CIFE.
7. Investigating your grievance
The Director of Studies will investigate your grievance.
8. Grievance meeting
Once the Director of Studies has had a reasonable opportunity to consider his response to the information given regarding your formal grievance, you will be invited to a meeting to discuss the matter. You will be informed in advance in writing of the timing and location of the meeting. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. You will be given the opportunity to explain your case. The Director of Studies may ask the other people involved to attend the meeting with a view to obtaining a resolution. Following the meeting the Director of Studies will inform you in writing of his decision in relation to your grievance and of your right of appeal.
9. Right to be accompanied
You may be accompanied to the meeting held to discuss your grievance by a colleague or trade union official.
10. Initiating an appeal
If you are dissatisfied with the decision made concerning your formal grievance, you may appeal the decision by notifying the Director of Studies in writing within five working days giving full details of why you wish to appeal. If you need more time, you should notify the Director of Studies within the five-day period. The Principal will normally hear your appeal. However, if the Principal holds the grievance meeting at paragraph 8 above, or your grievance concerns the Principal, CIFE (or a person appointed by them) shall hear your appeal.
11. Appeal procedure
The Principal shall investigate your appeal. He may call for copies of all relevant documents. The Principal will invite you to attend a further meeting to discuss your appeal and will inform you in reasonable time of the timing and the location of the meeting. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting.
12. The appeal decision
The Principal’s decision shall be final and shall be confirmed to you in writing as soon as reasonably practicable.
13. Right to be accompanied
You may be accompanied to the appeal meeting by a colleague or trade union official.
Grievances following the termination of your employment
14. Procedure
If a grievance is raised by you following termination of your employment, if appropriate the College may follow all or part of this procedure at its discretion.