Staff Flexible Working Policy

1. Purpose
This policy is intended to provide guidance on your statutory entitlement to request flexible working.
Right to request flexible working
2. Entitlement
If you have been continuously employed by the College for 26 weeks, you have the statutory right to request a change to one or
more of the terms and conditions of employment referred to in the paragraph below (a Request) if either of the following situations apply:
Although you will not have the statutory right to make a request if you do not meet the above criteria, the College will still carefully consider a request to change one or more of the terms and conditions of employment in paragraph below if the request is to enable you to care for your child or someone needing your care. You should make your request in writing to the Director of Studies.
3. Type of request
Your Request must relate to one or more of the following terms and conditions of employment:
4. A Request
A Request should be made in writing by completing the Flexible Working Request Form and passing it to the Director of Studies.
5. Consultation Meeting
Within 28 days of your Request being received by the College, the College shall either notify you in writing that your Request has been agreed, stating the variation agreed to and the date from which it is to take effect, or a meeting shall be held to discuss your Request (the Consultation Meeting). The Consultation Meeting will normally be held by the Director of Studies. The meeting will normally be held at the College during working hours unless this is not convenient to either you or the College.
6. Right to be accompanied
You have the right to be accompanied to the Consultation Meeting by a fellow worker.
7. Notification of decision
The College will notify you in writing of the decision within 14 days of the Consultation Meeting. Where the College agrees to your Request, the College will also confirm the variation agreed to and the date from which it is to take effect. Where your Request is not agreed, the College will also confirm the grounds for refusal, explaining why the grounds apply in the circumstances and
also confirm your right to appeal.
*Relative means a mother, father, adopter, guardian, special guardian, parent-in-law, step-parent, son, step-son, son-in-law, daughter, stepdaughter, daughter-in-law, brother, step-brother, brother-in-law, sister, step-sister, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt or grandparent, and includes adoptive relationships and relationships of full blood or half blood or, in the case an adopted person, such of those relationships as would exist but for adoption.