Out of Hours Safeguarding Cover Notice

The Safeguarding and wellbeing of students at Ashbourne is paramount. This is reflected in our ethos and set out in our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Term time
During term time a member of the Safeguarding Team can be reached through the main college number 0207 937 3858, or on 07578 548537 for out of college hours emergencies. Our regular safeguarding support takes place during term time only.
Outside of term time
Members of the Safeguarding Team will not be onsite during official holiday periods, as set out below.
During these periods students and families/carers who require emergency help or support should contact their GP, nearest A&E Department or the Police on 999.
Students and families/carers can also access other emergency support from the organisations below:
Students and families/carers can contact the College to log a safeguarding concern during the holidays by email [email protected] or by phone 0207 937 3858
Any concerns will be noted and appropriate safeguarding measures will be put in place.
Follow up meetings will be arranged once college reopens.
Where appropriate, for more serious issues, a member of the Safeguarding Team will make contact prior to the start of term.