Lanyard and ID Policy

1. Overview
The overall aim of this policy is to clarify the responsibilities of staff, students and visitors with respect to lanyards and ID (Identification) cards.
Ashbourne is committed to ensuring the protection and welfare of all students, staff and visitors. All students, staff and visitors have an equal right to a safe environment to learn, teach and visit regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, socioeconomic status, race, language, religion or sexual identity.
Ashbourne prides itself on its informal environment, facilitating a student-led, adult approach to education that is far removed from more traditional forms of education. However, safety of our student, staff and visitors is key priority and the lanyards and ID cards play a key role in keeping all members of the community safe at all times. The College’s use of lanyards and ID cards allows staff and students to ascertain at a glance whether persons on site are members of the Ashbourne community. This policy imposes a duty on all members of the Ashbourne community to immediately report any persons not wearing their lanyard to the relevant reception on site.
As documented in the Student Behaviour and Exclusions Policy, and Staff Code of Conduct, wearing a lanyard with ID card around the neck at all times on College premises is one of Ashbourne’s key rules. It is critical for the safety of everyone that all members of the Ashbourne community fully commit to this rule. As a College we try and limit the amount of rules so we can focus on the main aim of improving student performance.
Ashbourne has two premises: Old Court Place and Young Street. At each of the premises those entering the building will need to climb up at least one flight of stairs. For the purposes of this policy, the front doors on the street level act as the beginning of the College premises. Therefore, when entering through these doors all members of the Ashbourne community are expected to wear an Ashbourne lanyard and ID. When leaving the building, all members of the Ashbourne community must continue to wear their lanyard and ID card until they are outside of the College’s premises.
2. Students
2.1 General information about lanyards and ID cards
2.1.1 Student lanyards are colour coded and are either blue (aged 16+), or purple (aged 14-16).
2.1.2 Wearing a lanyard and ID card is one of Ashbourne’s key rules. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to disciplinary action.
2.1.3 The College provides every student with a lanyard and ID card free of charge upon joining the College.
2.2 Responsibilities with regard to lanyards and ID cards
2.2.1 The wearing of the lanyard and ID card is compulsory and must be worn at all times when on the College premises. The lanyard should be worn around the neck, on the front of the body and on the outermost piece of clothing.
2.2.2 The ID must be visible and not covered.
2.2.3 If a student forgets their lanyard and ID card they must go immediately to the reception desk of the building in which they are currently located. A replacement will be issued in return for a deposit (e.g. an oyster card or driving license), which will be held until the replacement lanyard and ID card is returned at the end of the College day.
2.2.4 There may be circumstances when a teacher allows students to remove their lanyards in order to participate in a classroom activity (e.g. P.E or Drama). Lanyards must be worn upon completion of the relevant activity.
2.2.5 ID cards must be brought to all official examinations that take place off-site and clearly displayed on the examination desk.
2.2.6 Lanyards and ID cards are College property. Students must not deface, damage, or alter their lanyards or ID cards in any way, and they must return them to the College on completion of the student’s programme of study.
2.2.7 If a student identifies another individual on Ashbourne’s premises who is not wearing their lanyard and ID card, they must ask them to report to the reception of that building immediately. This is particularly true for students who are members of the Student Council, who must be pro-active in this respect to identify individuals.
3. Staff
3.1 General information about lanyards and ID cards
3.1.1 Staff lanyards are black.
3.1.2 The College provides every staff member with a lanyard and ID card free of charge upon joining the College.
3.1.3 Lanyards and ID cards are College property.
3.2 Responsibilities with regard to lanyards and ID cards
3.2.1 The wearing of the lanyard and ID card is compulsory and must be worn at all times when on the College premises. The lanyard should be worn around the neck, on the front of the body and on the outermost piece of clothing.
3.2.2 The ID must be visible and not covered.
3.2.3 If staff forget their lanyard and ID card they must go immediately to the reception desk of the building that they are in to receive a replacement. The lanyard and ID card should be returned to the reception desk at the end of the day.
3.2.4 Teachers, or those heading meetings, are responsible for ensuring that all present in the room are wearing their lanyard and ID card before the commencement of the lesson/meeting. In cases where individuals are not wearing their lanyard, the teacher, or other staff member in charge, must ask those individuals to wear their lanyard. In cases where the individual does not have a lanyard and ID card they must be advised to go immediately to the reception of the building where the meeting/lesson is taking place to get one.
3.2.5 If a staff member identifies another individual on Ashbourne’s premises who is not wearing their lanyard and ID card they must instruct them to report to the reception of that building immediately.
4. Visitors
4.1 General information about lanyards and ID cards
4.1.1 Visitor lanyards are red.
4.1.2 The College provides every visitor with a lanyard and ID card.
4.1.3 Lanyards and ID cards are College property and should be returned at the end of the visit.
4.1.4 Visitors will be issued with a visitor a lanyard and ID card after signing in.
4.2 Responsibilities with regard to lanyards and ID cards
4.2.1 The wearing of the lanyard and ID card is compulsory for all visitors and must be worn at all times around the neck, on the front of the body and on the outermost piece of clothing.
4.2.2 Visitors must return the lanyard to reception upon being signed out of the College premises. However, if visitors are merely moving between buildings they are not required to hand in their lanyard when leaving one of the buildings.
5. Lost or damaged cards
The College provides every student and staff member with a lanyard and ID card free of charge upon joining the college. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to immediately report their lanyard and ID card as lost or damaged and to replace it promptly by reporting it to the reception at the Old Court Place premises.
6. Special circumstances
Students who are unable to wear a lanyard around their neck for medical or other reasons must seek permission from the Director of Studies with written support from any relevant parties, e.g. a doctor. Students granted permission may attached their lanyard and ID card to their clothing so it is clearly visible at all times.