Health and Safety Policy

1. Statement
2. Aims
3. Roles and responsibilities
4. Health and safety culture
5. Communication and record keeping
6. Reporting and recording accidents
7. Risk assessments
8. Premises, security and safety measures
9. Contractors, maintenance and works
10. Planning and environmental concerns
11. Lockdown and critical incidents
12. Fire safety
13. First aid and medical
14. Ashbourne community welfare
15. Educational trips and visits
Appendix A: Staff roles and responsibility
Appendix B: Health and Safety Officer responsibilities
Appendix C: External contractors
1. Statement
Ashbourne College is committed to creating a culture in which all members of the Ashbourne community make health and safety a priority and where our students are able to experience a wide range of activities, on and off College premises, safely.
This policy has been developed in accordance with relevant government legislation and guidance including the Health and Safety at Works Act 1974 . Full list of legislation and guidance.
2. Aims
The College aims to meet all the statutory obligations relating to health and safety and is committed to applying the appropriate standards to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all the College community, visitors, contractors and members of the public who are, or may be, affected by its activities are absolutely paramount.
3. Roles and responsibility
3.1 Principal
The Principal is responsible for all matters of health, safety and welfare within the College and ensures statutory requirements are met and appropriate standards applied through specialist College officers. The Principal accepts the responsibilities of conducting proper risk assessments, identifying risks after evaluating likelihoods and impacts and implementing control measures in line with current legislation.
The Principal ensures that proper records are kept of all hazards and steps taken to control the associated risk and reviewing the effectiveness of health and safety processes annually. Special consideration is given to: expectant mothers, children, protective equipment, manual handling, hazardous substances including lead, asbestos and ionising radiation, noise and vibrations, and fire safety.
3.2 Health and Safety Officers
The Principal delegates the day-to-day running of health and safety to the Health and Safety Officer (HS0) who is supported by deputy HSOs. The HSO also work closely with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and other staff to ensure that the health and safety practices of Ashbourne are in line with this policy, legislation and statutory and non-statutory guidance. Deputies are responsible for risk assessments, preparing reports and appropriate records, including all accidents and reviewing aspects of health and safety at regular meetings with the HSO. The delivery of a safe and healthy environment is reviewed annually in a meeting of the Principal, the HSO and all deputies.
The HSO has overall charge of the provision, maintenance and improvement of health and safety at the College. The HSO must work to establish a culture of commitment towards health and safety among the Ashbourne community and ensure staff are consulted regularly about their concerns for health and safety. Leading the Health and Safety team the HSO is responsible for monitoring and improving the College’s health and safety performance.
For further details of the HSO responsibilities, please read Appendix B.
4. Health and safety culture
The College believes that creating a culture where all members of the Ashbourne community think about health and safety issues is a critical part of minimising risk and avoiding serious incidents at the College. To help facilitate this, each member of the College community is required to complete a Health and Safety tour as a part of their induction to the College. The College sees this exercise as a vital step to raise health and safety issues as well as helping our community gain a better understanding of the layouts of each building. In addition, each formal meeting at the College, regardless of department, has health and safety issues as a constant agenda point. Any issues raised must be fed back to the HSO immediately.
5. Communication and record keeping
Any concerns relating to health and safety are elicited at all staff meetings, faculty meetings, heads of faculty meetings. These meetings are also used to highlight concerns, review health and safety procedures and updating on safeguarding information. Regular meetings of the Health and Safety team enables proper review of procedures.
The HSO ensures that all pertinent documentation is compiled and stored properly. This includes: risk assessments, minutes of the Health and Safety committee meetings, accident reports, evacuation (fire) and lockdown drills, critical incidents and training. All documents related to health and safety are stored in a secure location on the Ashbourne File Server only accessible to the HSO and deputies. Accidents are reported under RIDDOR guidance as appropriate. Records in the accident book should contain: full name, address, date, time, location, cause and nature of the accident, the name of person recording and a follow up investigation to decide on discipline, legal action and future prevention.
6. Reporting and recording accidents
The following must be reported within 10 days:
Where staff are incapacitated for more than 7 days the College must complete f2508 form within 15 days.
7. Risk assessments
Risk assessments are dynamic and produced on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, Ashbourne reviews risk assessments at least once per year to ensure that appropriate action has been taken as a result of any suggestions. Ashbourne carries out risk assessments in the following areas:
7.1 Educational visits
7.1.1 When required, the College will hire a minibus from a reputable company that also provides a qualified driver; this ensures that all safety and safeguarding requirements are met.
7.1.2 Parents and key behaviour contacts have to sign a consent form at the start of the year to confirm that they are happy for their child to participate in educational visits but will be consulted separately about more complex trips such as those overseas.
7.1.3 All educational visits require approval from the Director of Studies and will require a risk assessment for each trip at least two weeks in advance of the trip.
7.1.4 The College ensures that wherever possible sports trips involving male and female students are suitably staffed with male and female members of staff. In scenarios where this is not possible, a risk assessment will be produced to detail how Ashbourne will cope in such a scenario.
7.1.5 At least one member of staff on each trip has to be first aid trained.
7.1.6 A first aid kit must be taken on each educational visit and trip mobile phone.
Please read Ashbourne College’s Educational Visits Policy for more information.
8. Premises, security and safety measures
8.1 Ashbourne has two premises:
Ashbourne has a keypad entry for security to each of the premises; the codes are changed periodically.
8.2 Security procedures
8.2.1 The reception staff are trained to be able to handle a number of important health and safety procedures including:
8.3 Front desk is always staffed during College hours.
The opening hours are usually as follows:
Any changes to these hours will be communicated via email with as much notice as possible.
Person(s) responsible: Deputy Head of Administration
8.4 Attendance and supervision of students
The register for each class is completed by the teacher in the first 5 minutes of class.
All students must be accounted for each College day. GCSE students are required to register twice a day (AM and PM).
Each student under the age of 16 must have a guardian or parent in the UK who can be called if the College is concerned about the whereabouts of the student.
GCSE and other students under the age of 16 must be supervised at all times whilst on the premises during their school day. These students may leave the premises unsupervised at lunchtime only if their parents have provided us with a signed letter giving their consent. For more information about A level students under the age of 16 please consult our A Level Students Under 16 Policy.
Person(s) responsible: Deputy Head of Administration
8.5 Acceptable use of ICT and cyber security
The College treats this aspect of safety with great seriousness and educates all in the Ashbourne community to protect against such dangers as malware, phishing emails, grooming and sexting. The College ensures its computer hardware and software are as secure as possible using tools and procedures such as fire walls, privileged access to various sections of our database and records and a system of passwords where staff involved in sensitive email communication use a two stage log-in procedure. Please refer to the College’s e-Safety Policy and the Acceptable Use of ICT Agreements with that policy.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager
8.6 Hazardous substances, asbestos and cleanliness
8.6.1 Asbestos checks have been completed for all premises. The College take all necessary action as required.
8.6.2 There is no asbestos at the Young Street premises.
8.6.3 At the Old Court Place premise there is some asbestos located in the boiler room at high level, which is clearly labelled although not accessible to students.
8.6.4 Before any new work is carried out at Ashbourne, the Facilities Team will check with the Health and Safety documents to ensure that it is safe from an asbestos point of view to work in that area and any contractors are notified.
8.6.5 Ionising radioactive material is stored securely in an approved locked cabinet in the OLAB.
8.6.6 The College have tested against the presence of any lead pipes supplying water to our premises.
8.6.7 The College ensure that all corrosive liquids are properly labelled as toxic, harmful, irritant or corrosive.
8.6.8 The College cleaners are provided with secure storage and must ensure that all inflammable material is properly put away.
8.6.9 There are separate risk assessments for all laboratories and art facilities.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager
8.7 Lab safety
8.7.1 All labs have keypad locks and codes, which are not available to students.
Dangerous chemicals are locked away and not accessible to students.
8.7.2 Staff never leave students unattended in the labs or the Y3 Lab Prep room.
8.7.3 All labs are inspected every two years by CLEAPPS and follow up points are actioned as a result.
8.7.4 Lab waste is disposed of using a specialised lab waste disposal company; the College receives a certificate for each disposal.
8.7.5 For the most part, only science lessons are allowed in the Science labs (or the Y3Lab Prep room); only the Head of Administration has the authority to allocate non-science lessons in the Labs and ensures that the teacher is familiar with laboratory safety. If necessary, the Head of Administration will provide non-science teachers with a required Health and Safety for Labs guidance briefing prior to any lesson. This includes: ensuring the lab is locked when not in use, never leaving students unattended in the labs regardless of situation. Access to the Y3 Lab Prep room is restricted to only science teachers. The gas taps in Y1Lab and Y3Lab are also not to be used under any circumstance other than by a Science teacher or under their instructions.
8.7.6 Risk assessments are overseen by the Head of Faculty or a senior teacher and are required for all practical work at the College.
8.7.7 Radioactivity – at least one teacher is trained on the safe use of radioactive materials and their proper storage.
8.7.8 All students who use the lab facilities are trained in basic lab safety.
Person(s) responsible: Head of Sixth Form
9. Contractors, maintenance and building works
9.1 The Principal, Director of Studies and Facilities Manager conduct meetings to discuss how Ashbourne can make improvements to the College premises whilst ensuring adherence to health and safety measures when undertaking this work.
9.2 The Facilities Manager liaises with architects and planning consultants, were necessary, who produce designs for works at the College and acts as an intermediary between Ashbourne and the structural engineer as well as Building Control. When employing any contractor, the Facilities Manager will ensure that the following is in place, where appropriate:
The College liaises with Building Control, who has the authority to sign-off building work, to ensure that any alteration to the premises complies with relevant legislation and guidance. Where appropriate this includes ensuring that Building Control signs-off any such work. Ashbourne will engage a structural engineer to support any application to Building Control or make planning applications to the Local Authority to ensure that all work complies with local planning regulations, where appropriate.
Once Ashbourne has received drawings for proposed works from an architect the College liaises with the relevant landlord to seek permission to go ahead with the planned work. This may involve acquiring a licence to alter. The architect will set out a schedule of work and ensure that any contractor has trained their crew for safety procedures and ensures that proper safety procedures are followed during the work.
Ashbourne may work with other specialists where required including those dealing with fire risk assessment, lockdown and the police.
9.3. General concerns
9.3.1 Manual handling: The College provides appropriate trolleys and advises all staff involved with heavy lifting against taking on excessive loads.
9.3.2 Slips, trips and falls: The College attempts to minimise these risks by carrying out multiple daily tours of the premises and responding immediately to any threat or incidence.
9.3.3 Impact Window Protection: All of the external windows have safety film to protect against objects coming through the windows.
9.3.4 Computer screens are provided upon demand.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager
9.4 Electrical work and appliances
All electrical work at Ashbourne is signed off by an approved electrician (NICEIC or ELECSA). Ashbourne instructs an external PAT testing company on an annual basis to inspect and test any portable electrical equipment. Electrical check log review and electrical testing, where required by an NICEIC or ELECSA qualified electrician, are carried out on a five-yearly basis. Electrical safety is an important part of our annual fire risk assessment review.
9.5 Emergency lighting
The College holds emergency lighting certificates for all premises.
9.6 Gas and boilers
Ashbourne carries out annual boiler checks at Old Court Place (1 boiler) and Young Street (3 boilers) by an approved GAS safe engineer.
9.7 Air conditioning
Ashbourne carries out quarterly basic air conditioning checks for each of the buildings’ air conditioning units and annual comprehensive checks of all units, ventilators and condensers.
9.8 Water testing
Ashbourne carries out monthly water tests at each of the premises, which includes checking to ensure that the water temperature is within regulations. The College instructs an external company to come in once per year to carry out water tests for each of the premises, which involves taking samples and checking for legionnaire’s disease and other contaminations. Ashbourne further carries out checks to avoid excessive lead concentrations in all of our water supplies.
10. Planning and environmental concerns
Ashbourne schedules weekly Health and Safety meetings, with a core fixed agenda as well as any additional elements that require consideration. Progress on action points from these meetings will be reviewed at subsequent meetings.
Ashbourne sets a calendar for the year for Health and Safety checks such as fire drills, utilities checks and training.
Ashbourne is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by having recycling bins throughout the College. The College work with the cleaners to ensure that these bins are transferred to a larger recycling facility at the end of each day.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager and Director of Studies
11. Lockdown and critical incidents
A lockdown drill takes place in the second half term of each academic year in each of our premises.
Person(s) responsible: Deputy Head of Administration and Facilities Manager
12. Fire safety
Ashbourne’s Fire Safety Officer and deputies and the Premises and Administration teams carry out regular inspections, risk assessments and two-way communication with staff and students in order to prevent fire and to ensure best procedure in the event of fire and compliance with relevant legislation and guidance. For more detail please refer to the Fire Safety Policy.
13. First aid and medical
The College provides training in basic first aid for all staff and advance training for designated staff, as well as ensuring all first aid and medical requirements are met and procedures are carried out in compliance with legislation and guidance. This includes the provision and maintenance of first aid equipment, cleanliness of the premises, security against poisons and disease and initiating communication with, and encouraging feedback from, all members of the Ashbourne community to ensure the best possible delivery of this policy.
The College also requires that each student is registered with a GP and that each student discloses any pre-existing medical issues which may require the College to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to its provision of education and support. For further information please refer to our First Aid Policy.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager, Director of Studies and Deputy Head of Administration
14. Ashbourne community welfare
The College believe that the welfare of the Ashbourne Community is critical to support all aspects of Health and Safety at the College. Key areas that the College looks to support the welfare of students and staff include:
14.1 Safeguarding
Student safeguarding is a priority at Ashbourne. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) assesses the needs and concerns of students and determines the level of concern and appropriate actions required. The DSL and deputies meet regularly with student affected by safeguarding issues and liaise with parents, professionals, the local authority and police, where necessary, to ensure each student receives the correct care and support. Ashbourne addresses safeguarding concerns from a contextual perspective, taking into consideration a wide range of situations and environments that may affect a students’ wellbeing and safety. Mental health concerns and providing accessibility for vulnerable groups are key issues. Ashbourne actively promotes accessibility as part of its commitment to British values. For further information please read our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Ashbourne is also committed to providing and promoting a supportive working environment for its staff to help reduce stress, encourage positive social relations within the Ashbourne community, benefit physical wellbeing and keep up morale.
Person(s) responsible: Facilities Manager and DSL
15. Educational trips and visits
The College has a comprehensive policy for day trips as well as more complex trips and educational visits. This is overseen by the Director of Studies and is delegated to the Activities and Events Officer.
Person(s) responsible: Director of Studies and Events Officer
Appendix A: Staff roles and responsibility
Appendix B: Health and Safety Officer responsibilities
1. Premises
1.1 Security
The HSO must ensure that the premises are secure against intruders via multiple daily inspections and in regard to cybercrime prevention via the Facilities IT and Premises Manager.
1.2 Premises
The HSO must ensure that premises are kept clean and are provided with proper acoustics, lighting, water, toilet and medical facilities, with a full time cleaner onsite..
1.3 Hazardous substances
The HSO must ensure that the College is secure against lead, asbestos, radioactive material, dangerous chemicals and other hazardous substances and, where appropriate, proper storage is in place providing limited access.
1.4 Contractors
The HSO will ensure that all contractors are vetted for compliance with accepted construction practices as well as compliant with respect to safeguarding.
1.5 General concerns
The HSO should ensure that our premises department is watchful against slips, trips, heavy lifting and working from heights and provided with the proper equipment and support to overcome any of these difficulties.
1.6 Inspecting utilities
The HSO will ensure annual inspection of electricity, gas, water and that associated equipment such as electrical appliances, boiler and air conditioning are serviced and inspected annually.
1.7 Fire safety
The HSO will ensure safety against fire by commissioning the appropriate inspections of firefighting equipment, an annual risk assessment, regular training and updates and fire drills.
1.8 First aid
The HSO is responsible for providing and maintaining first aid equipment and ensuring appropriate training in first aid among all staff.
1.9 Risk assessments
The HSO is responsible for our risk assessment policy and for instituting annual updates to risk assessments for: fire, health, everyday College outings, extended trips such the annual European trip, off-site events such as the annual revue, external examination centres and external staff meetings.
1.10 Communication, reporting and recording
The HSO is responsible for communicating, reporting and recording issues surrounding Health and Safety policy to all staff and encouraging and responding to their feedback. This includes: accidents, critical incidents, fire drills, health and safety training and meetings. The HSO must also ensure that proper notices are placed throughout our premises, including: a certificate of employer’s liability insurance, 2009 health and safety law, location of first aid and names of first aiders
1.11 Emergencies
The HSO is also responsible for emergency actions, responsibilities and procedures for critical incidents and lockdowns.
1.12 Monitoring and review
The HSO is responsible for convening termly meetings to monitor and review H&S policy and performance as well as investigating any accidents and implementing changes in provision accordingly.
2. Communication
Ashbourne College continuously looks at ways to improve its Health and Safety department and procedures. Although the policy needs re-approval annually by the Principal, the HSO may propose changes to this policy whenever necessary at any time. There are half termly meetings between the HSO HSO and Deputy HSO in order that health and safety is consistently monitored and evaluated. The HSO and Director of Studies meet weekly and discuss any health and safety issues. The HSO can suggest changes to this policy at any time.
3. Training
The HSO and deputies attend advanced level health and safety courses to support their work, which are renewed every three years. The HSO may designate a deputy who will be responsible for ensuring that all documentation that supports health and safety matters highlighted within this policy are kept in a central location and that a calendar of the year for health and safety matters is maintained and items are followed up appropriately to ensure completion.
The HSO and deputies ensure that there is appropriate training for first aid, fire safety and security, both physical and cyber security, for all members of the Ashbourne community. All staff receive basic first aid training upon joining the College and both new staff and newly registered students are given a tour of the premises which highlights aspects of fire safety as well as the location of our first aid equipment. Fire marshals retrain annually.
4. Compliance
All staff must be aware of their duty to comply with this policy and the law and their accountability in relation to health and safety issues and procedures including reporting hazards or potential hazards to the HSO or deputies.
It is crucial that the College community and visitors to the College recognise their own individual responsibility to be aware of, and to comply with, all health and safety requirements relevant to their activities.
Appendix C: External contractors
Contractors working at the College are overseen by Ashbourne Facilities Manager