Evacuation Procedure

1.1 Ashbourne College is committed to providing access to safe egress for any visitor or member of the College community, to effectively alert, evacuate, and/or shelfter them during an emergency.
1.2 To be successful in providing this assistance,the Evacuation Procedure (EP) require the cooperation of every member of the College community. Some of the community are specially trained to identify and assist persons who may need aid in an emergency.
1.3 Ashbourne College DOES NOT expect or encourage fire marshals or any other member of staff to tackle a blaze. Our first and only priority is the safe evacuation of all staff, students and visitors.
2.1 The alarm system will go off when smoke or heat triggers the detectors, notifying Ashbourne College staff of the location on our fire panel. For non-fire evacautions the fire alarm will be set off manually to notify the requirement to evacuate the premises immediately.
2.2 If you discover a Fire, Gas Leak, Chemical Spillage or anything that requires immediate evacuation of the building, please raise the alarm immediately by operating the nearest break glass call point.
2.3 If you hear the fire alarm, immediately leave using the nearest available fire exit and report to the designated assembly point. In the event of a lockdown evacuation alarm (which sounds different to the fire alarm) follow the instructions given by the Police or Lockdown Marshal.
You should not:
2.4 Teachers and Fire Marshals have additional responsibilities further in this policy.
2.5 Nobody is to re-enter the building until informed it is safe to do so by the Lead Fire Marshal
3.3 Fire Drills are held three times a year at each premises, once every term. They comprise of an alarm test and a complete evacuation of the school, which includes a clean sweep of all areas of the building to ensure everyone has evacuated.
3.4 Fire marshals perform a clean sweep of the building in the event of an evacuation. During fire drills students or teachers may be asked to hide in unusual places to ensure checks and clean sweeps are being done correctly.
3.5 All new staff and students are given a health and safety tour as part of their induction to Ashbourne, this includes being shown through all evacuation routes and fire escapes, in order staff and students are familiar with their escape route in the event of an evacuation.
Extinguishers are to be used for evacuation purposes only. Ashbourne College does not expect or encourage fire marshals or any other member of staff to tackle a blaze. Our first and only priority is the safe evacuation of all staff, students and visitors.
Almost all full time staff at Ashbourne College are Fire Marshals and have received specialised training, tailored to the premises. This training, amongst other things, educates Marshals on conducting an effective sweep of the premises. At each building there are designated Fire Marshals.
6.1.1 Evacuate your students to assembly point;
6.1.2 Keep students calm and orderly during evacuation;
6.1.3 Liaise with fire marshals;
6.1.4 Middle school students are to stay under supervision of their teacher while outside the college premises during an evacuation; and
6.1.5 Do not allow students to wander off or re-enter the building until told to do so by the lead Fire Marshal.
6.2.1 Contact the emergency services immediately on 999;
6.2.2 One member of the Fire Marshal team is to ensure that the middle school registers are deployed to all administrators email accounts using FileMaker;
6.2.3 Fire marshals must wear high visibility vests stored in the Bisley cabinets, these are located in the following places:
6.2.4 Liaise with other marshals and staff to ensure checks are done thoroughly and evacuation is completed safely;
6.2.5 Keep open lines of communication with other marshals and other buildings using mobile;
6.2.6 Sweep all rooms, toilets and walk in cupboards on the floor that you are designated;
6.2.7 Ensure all windows and fire doors, both internal and external, are closed;
6.2.8 Liaise with fire department on their arrival;
6.2.9 Notify fire department of possible missing persons;
6.2.10 Notify all if it is safe to re-enter the building under advisory from the Fire Department;
6.2.11 A debrief meeting is held after each fire drill/evacuation with the Fire Marshals and an email is sent to all staff summarising. This meeting may also lead to a discussion held with members of the Ashbourne community that didn’t follow the procedures of an evacuation and notes of this meeting stored in the Meetings database.
Appendix A: Fire marshals
Old Court Place
Fabio Carpene – Lead Marshal
Marcus Loudon
Aida Sicheva
Zilan Zhou
Young Street
Jerome Carasco
Sharan Kandola-Singh – Lead Marshal
Margaret Rennie
Amy Youngman