Equal Opportunities Policy

1. Statement
2. Aims
3. Related policies, legislation and guidance
4. Positive action
5. Unlawful discrimination
6. Religion
7. Responsibility
8. Reporting and complaints
9. Monitoring and review
10. Publication
1. Statement
Ashbourne is an independent College for GCSE and A level students. Members of the College Community, which includes students, staff, supply staff, volunteers, parents and prospective applicants, come from all over the world and so comprise a diverse and dynamic community of people.
2. Aims
Ashbourne is committed to offering all of its members equality of opportunity. This policy has been developed in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and aims to ensure no members of the Ashbourne Community are subjected to unfair and unlawful discrimination based on the following protected characteristics:
Ashbourne further opposes any form of bullying and discrimination against those with a special educational need, learning difficulty or learning impediment such as having English as a second language.
3. Related policies, legislation and guidance
3.1. Related policies
Ashbourne’s commitment to equal opportunities and compliance with the Equality Act are further outlined in the following specific policies:
Curriculum is excluded from Equal Opportunities because it allows schools to engage with issues and expose their students to ideas of all kinds, however challenging or controversial, without fear of legal challenge based on a protected characteristic. Nevertheless, Ashbourne has a strict policy to counter partisanship and overt bias and will investigate any concerns that this policy has been violated.
All policies are accessible on this website and can be made available in large print or other formats if required.
This policy has been developed in accordance with relevant government legislation and guidance. Full list of legislation and guidance
4. Positive action
Ashbourne actively encourages mutual respect between all members of the community to create a positive, open and supportive environment where everyone can feel confident they will not be subjected to unfair discrimination. This culture is also supported for students through PSHEE (personal, social, health and economic education) for middle school students and Personal Tutoring for Year 12.
As per Teachers Standards, point 8, to fulfil wider professional responsibilities, teachers are expected to make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the College.
Ashbourne also aims to help remove or overcome barriers to equal opportunities where they exist including making ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled students or staff and students with special educational needs in respect of the education and associated services provided to ensure that such students are not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with other students. Please see the College’s SEND and Access Arrangements Policy policies for further details.
Ashbourne monitors applicants’ gender, nationality, ethnicity, religious beliefs and disability, confidentially, as part of the student admissions and staff recruitment procedure in order to assess balance in representation.
5. Unlawful discrimination
Discrimination may be intentional or unintentional.
5.1 Direct discrimination
Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another because of a protected characteristic, as set out in section above. For example, rejecting an applicant on the basis of race would be direct discrimination.
There are limited exceptions in which discrimination based on a protected characteristic may be permitted where there is a specified and legitimate requirement to do so.
5.2 Indirect discrimination
Indirect discrimination occurs where an individual is subject to an unjustified provision, criterion or practice which puts them at a particular disadvantage because of their protected characteristic. For example, a minimum height requirement would likely eliminate proportionately more women than men. If these criteria cannot be objectively justified for a reason unconnected with gender, they would be indirectly discriminatory on the grounds of gender.
5.3 Harassment
Harassment is unwanted behaviour that relates to a protected characteristic which is intended to be or has the effect of being offensive, intimidating or humiliating. It is also harassment when such unwanted behaviour is directed at an individual who is perceived to have protected characteristics, even when they do not. Forms of harassment may include spoken or written abuse, offensive messaging, imagery, physical gestures, facial expressions and jokes.
Harassment also includes discriminating against someone for associating with another individual or groups who have protected characteristics. For example, harassment of an individual for campaigning for the rights of a particular group with protected characteristics.
5.4 Victimisation
Victimisation occurs when an individual is penalised or denied opportunities as a result of making or supporting a complaint or raising a grievance relating to the Equality Act 2010 or is suspected of doing so.
6. Religion
6.1 Religious symbols
Certain items of jewellery and headwear, such as the turban or headscarves, may be worn by students or staff when doing so is genuinely based on manifesting religious or cultural beliefs or identity. This is subject to considerations of safety and welfare and the College’s existing dress code principles. Where there is uncertainty the issue must be referred to the Principal, whose decision will be final, subject to the complaints procedure.
6.2 Religious belief
The College has no religious affiliation. Nonetheless, it respects the right and freedom of individuals to worship in accordance with their faiths, or no faith, subject always to their respecting the rights and freedoms of the College community as a whole and considerations of safety and welfare.
6.3 Religious festivals
Students must request leave for religious festivals as they would for any other absence. The College’s decision whether to grant authorised absence will be final, subject to the complaints procedure.
7. Responsibility
The Principal has overall responsibility for the effective operation of the College’s Equal Opportunities Policy and for ensuring compliance with the relevant statutory framework prohibiting discrimination. The Principal has delegated to the Director of Studies day-to-day responsibility for operating the policy and ensuring its accessibility, availability, maintenance and review.
8. Reporting and complaints
If a student or member of staff believes they have been discriminated against on any of the grounds listed in section above or if they you feel that this policy has been breached in any way to their detriment they are encouraged to raise the matter through the College’s formal complaints process; students can access the Complaints Policy on this website or request a different format. Allegations of unfair discrimination will be treated very seriously, in confidence and investigated in accordance with the complaints procedure. Staff should bring up any concerns or allegations with their line manager, or a member of the senior leadership team.
Disciplinary action may be taken against any member of the College community who is found to have acted in contravention of this policy. Discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation may amount to gross misconduct and could lead to expulsion or immediate dismissal.
Staff have a duty to report to the Director of Studies any behaviour that may be considered unlawfully discriminatory.
Serious acts of discrimination and harassment may constitute a criminal offence.
9. Monitoring and review
The Director of Studies is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy throughout all areas of the College and taking appropriate action to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination where applicable. Any questions about the content or application of this policy should be directed to the Director of Studies to assess.
This policy is reviewed annually by the Director of Studies with recommendations for any amendments reported to the Principal.
10. Publication
This policy is available on the College’s website and on request.