Entry into Year 12 for Existing Students

Ashbourne is committed to educating students who want to be taught in an environment that engenders independent learning where students are treated as young adults in a university-style environment. Students who continue to Year 12 at Ashbourne are expected to be able gain a minimum of 6 grades 6s (or equivalent) for their GCSE results and must have a determination to work towards their academic potential.
Students are also expected to follow Ashbourne’s Student Behaviour and Exclusions Policy throughout the year and any disciplinary action or violations of this policy will be reviewed as a condition of entry into Year 12.
The following should be noted:
1) The 6 grade 6s rule does not include subjects where students do not require regular tuition from Ashbourne throughout the academic year to gain a qualification (e.g. their own language).
2) If students do not gain 6 grades 6s or if they have consistently violated the Student Behaviour Policy (refer to point 5) they will have to apply to continue into Year 12. To be considered students will have to put their request in writing, by completing the Progression Application for Existing Students form no later than 31st August, and send their application directly to the Director of Studies.
3) A decision about the application will be made within seven working days of the application.
4) Students who are refused entry into Year 12 will not be liable for the fees for the subsequent academic year.
5) Students who have consistently failed to adhered to the College’s Student Behaviour and Exclusions Policy are likely to be asked to apply for entry into Year 12. Violation of the policy and Ashbourne rules include, but are not limited to: poor attendance (less than 85%), late attendance of lesson totalling over 250 minutes, and/or a suspension.
6) From time to time Ashbourne may accept Year 11 students who are below 15 years old on September 1st of the academic year. In this case, when students look to transfer from Year 11 to Year 12, Ashbourne may require that they repeat Year 11 in order to ensure their age and maturity level is in accordance with their correct year group, especially if: