Cookie Policy

1. Policy statement
The Ashbourne College website only creates first party cookies (cookies written by our website which are not accessible by any other websites, i.e. no information is shared with other websites via cookies)
Note that the use of cookies by the Ashbourne College website is pointed out to the first time visitor, along with a link to this “How we use Cookies” information.
Click here for independent information about cookies from the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office.
2. Creation of cookies
2.1 The following cookies may be created by the Ashbourne College website:
2.2 Google analytics is used to anonymously track visitor information to, and within, the Ashbourne College website, to help us to monitor traffic and to improve the website. This includes anonymous information about any Google AdWords traffic which is directed to the website.
2.2.1 The following cookies may be created by the website’s Google Analytics code:
2.2.2 For more information see Google Analytics’ cookie usage information.
2.3 These cookies may be deleted, or blocked, and the website will continue to function.