Student Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement

This Agreement is to be read and signed by all students.
1. Social Media
The use of social media for non-educational purposes is prohibited to students on all College computers and common area computers during College hours except between 1pm and 2pm. Students should not make any attempt to add Ashbourne staff as ‘friends’ or follow them on any social media; they will not accept, and it may put them in an awkward position professionally.
Remember that everything you put on social media is stored forever and no longer owned by you. Think before you post!
Students are reminded that what they put on social media is permanent and could not only affect the reputation of themselves and the College, but damage their employment prospects in the future. Should any material come to the College’s attention that is defamatory, derogatory, offensive, abusive, bullying or in anyway contravenes the ethos and/or reputation of the College, Ashbourne will act in accordance with its policies on Student Behaviour and Exclusions, Child-on-Child/Peer-on-Peer and Anti-bullying.
2. Internet access
Students must respect the internet at Ashbourne and not access or attempt to access sites containing any of the following: pornography; child abuse; promotion of racial or religious hatred or discrimination; anything tagged NSFW (Not Safe For Work); gambling; any other content that could be considered offensive or discriminative.
3. Digital recording
Digital recordings (audio and/or visual) of formal and informal meetings and/or lessons by any member of the Ashbourne community, including students, parents/carers and staff, are not permitted.
4. Library and common area computers
Students must respect all of the IT equipment provided by Ashbourne. If there is a problem with one of the computers or printers please inform a College administrator and they will contact the Facilities Team. Applications should not be downloaded onto the computers unless prior consent is given by the Facilities Team.
5. Printing
Ashbourne is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and asks that students only print when absolutely necessary in order to prevent waste. If misprints occur please properly recycle waste paper in the recycling bins provided.
6. Email
All students are issued with an Ashbourne email account on joining the College, which includes Google Drive access; this email address and associated Google add-ons are not for personal use. Students will no longer have access to this email account at the end of their course at Ashbourne, (access will be available until the 1st October of that year). Should you leave the College at a non-transitional point in the year, you will be contacted by our Registration Officer regarding the disabling of your email account.
7. Airplay streaming
Many classrooms at Ashbourne allow airplay streaming to projectors and speakers, these are password protected and students must not attempt to access them via phones, tablets, laptops or any other smart device without the permission of the teacher. Attempts to do so, successful or otherwise, will be taken very seriously and can be traced.
8. Mobile phones, smartphones and tablets
Mobile phones, smartphones and tablets are permitted on the premises but are not to be used during lesson hours, when they should be switched off unless given consent by the teacher for educational purposes. It is not permitted for students to take photos of fellow students without their permission; doing so may be regarded as cyberbullying and will be taken very seriously by the College.
9. Comments and complaints
Ashbourne accepts comments and complaints through the appropriate channels. Details of the complaints procedure can be found in the Complaints Policy.
Students are reminded that the use of Ashbourne College email and Ashbourne College computers is monitored.
10. Declaration
I understand that the College’s Student Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement applies to the use of the College’s ICT systems or hardware inside and outside of the College. I have read and understood the terms of the above Agreement as well as the College’s e-Safety Policy and agree to use the College’s ICT systems and my own devices in College in accordance with these documents.