Social Media Policy

Ashbourne is committed to your privacy and advises that by using our social media channels you agree to our social media policy.
Posts in social media may include:
If you follow us on social media, Ashbourne doesn’t not automatically follow back.
Being followed, using hash tags and mentions of other social media accounts does not imply endorsement.
Ashbourne welcomes feedback and will try to respond to comments where possible and where right to do so. However, we are not able to reply individually to all messages received via Twitter and Facebook.
When you ‘ like’, ‘share’ or ‘comment’ on one of our posts, be aware that this will be publicly available. We may use your contact info/usernames to respond to messages/ comments you send to us.
If you post publicly on social media, we may share/re-tweet your post with our followers. Usernames of our followers are publicly available on our social media channels.
We may also receive information about you from third parties such as other social media users if they mention you, tag you or share a photo of you. When we upload content to social media we may also tag, share photos and content.
We may use analytics or third parties to analyse our social media channels for trends, insights,and engagements.
You may un-subscribe/un-follow at any stage.
We expect our users to offer us the same courtesy that we offer them:
1. All users must comply with the social media platforms’ term of use
2. You are responsible for any content you post i.e. content you chose to share
3. On Facebook we will remove, in whole or in part, or ignore posts that we feel are inappropriate or private.
We will remove, block, ban and, if necessary, report users to the associated social media platforms who violate acceptable norms if they direct messages at us which we believe:
a) Bully, harass or intimidate
b) Are unlawful, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially abusive
c) Are deceptive or misleading
d) Infringe or violate someone else’s rights
e) Violate the law or intellectual property rights
f) Are spam (persistent negative and/or abusive tweeting in which the aim is to provoke response)
g) Advertise products or services
h) Are irrelevant, off topic, disruptive or repetitive
We will also remove or ban any users who:
Authorised by
The Principal
September 2021
Effective date of the policy
September 2021
Teaching staff / all staff / parents / Students on request
Review date
September 2022