Mission Statement

The Mission Statement below sets out Ashbourne’s aspirations, which the College is working towards.
Ashbourne’s Mission is to be the most desirable destination for A level students in the UK by:
Attracting highly motivated students with an Asher* profile who aspire to achieve academic excellence within their potential through a balanced and well-rounded education in a college that respects the best academic traditions of independent education as well as young people’s needs for independence and self reliance.
Delivering inspirational, cohesive and innovative quality education and learning experience that is personalised and tailored to the individual needs of each student in small class sizes to ensure that students achieve their aspirations in a friendly, informal, international and disciplined college as distinct from a traditional formal school.
Recruiting and retaining staff with an Asher* profile; rewarding them with competitive remuneration and working conditions and encouraging and supporting their professional development.
Achieving a level of profitability that will sustain and enhance the College and provide adequate returns to shareholders’ investment.
An Asher describes the profile of an individual who epitomises the spirit and values of Ashbourne. It applies to all members of the Ashbourne community (students, academic, administrative and management personnel).
Ashers are positive, proactive and motivated in all they do. They are hard working, always doing their best. They are ambitious in their chosen field always striving for excellence. They are independent and self reliant, team players, always prepared to lend a hand whenever there is a need. They go the extra mile to help others. They are disciplined, honest, trustworthy, self accountable and most importantly, committed to treat people fairly at all times.
The value statement sets out the ethics, values and internal environment within which Ashbourne’s teaching, administrative and management personnel work. They are not set in order of importance and should not be seen in isolation of each other but should be practiced in relation to each other and as a whole within the framework of Ashbourne’s Mission Statement in pursuit of its mission.