Cookie Policy

1. Policy statement
The Ashbourne College website only creates first party cookies (cookies written by our website which are not accessible by any other websites, i.e. no information is shared with other websites via cookies)

Note that the use of cookies by the Ashbourne College website is pointed out to the first time visitor, along with a link to this “How we use Cookies” information.

Click here for independent information about cookies from the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office.

2. Creation of cookies
2.1 The following cookies may be created by the Ashbourne College website:

Cookie name Expires after Use
cookieconsent_status 12 months Indicates that the cookie policy popup information bar has been hidden. You may delete or block this cookie: this will prevent the cookie popup policy information bar being hidden.
ga_src 30 days Set if the visitor came to the site by clicking on a Google Ads advert. You may delete or block this cookie; it is used to track if our advertising (if any running on this platform) is delivering value for money.
_track_utm_* 30 days Track information about ads clicked on to come to the website so that we can see if they are working effectively.
PHPSESSID website is exited A session cookie that practically all websites create to be able to function technically despite being stateless. This cookie is essential to the operation of the website.
_fbp 3 months Set if the visitor came to the site by clicking on a Facebook advert. You may delete or block this cookie; it is used to track if our advertising (if any running on this platform) is delivering value for money.
_uetsid 24 hours Set if the visitor came to the site by clicking on a Microsoft Ads advert. You may delete or block this cookie; it is used to track if our advertising (if any running on this platform) is delivering value for money.
_uetvid 13 months Set if the visitor came to the site by clicking on a Microsoft Ads advert. You may delete or block this cookie; it is used to track if our advertising (if any running on this platform) is delivering value for money.

2.2 Google analytics is used to anonymously track visitor information to, and within, the Ashbourne College website, to help us to monitor traffic and to improve the website. This includes anonymous information about any Google Ads traffic which is directed to the website.

2.2.1 The following cookies may be created by the website’s Google Analytics code:

Cookie name Expires after
_ga 24 months
_gid 24 hours
_gat 1 minute
_gac_UA-17778465-1 90 days
_ga_NNWFW444Q5 90 days

2.2.2 For more information see Google Analytics’ cookie usage information.

2.3 These cookies may be deleted, or blocked, and the website will continue to function.

Authorised by The Principal
Date September 2021
Effective date of the policy September 2021
Circulation Teaching staff / all staff / parents / Students on request
Review date September 2022
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