Policy For Students With English As An Additional Language

Policy for Students with English as an Additional Language

A number of Ashbourne students speak English as a second language. Whilst they are required to achieve a minimum standard in order to gain entry into the College, some require continued support throughout their time with us. The English as a foreign language (EFL) programme has three aims:

  1. To ensure students can engage with one another and their community
  2. To ensure students can fully access the curriculum
  3. To help students to prepare for an IELTS or other English language proficiency test that will allow them to take up a place at university in the UK

To achieve these aims, students are provided with additional lessons in English alongside their subject lessons. The College will consult with the student and the parents as appropriate. The College also has appropriate welfare support for all such students through the Personal Tutoring and pastoral care systems.

To increase engagement and English language skills the College has a strict policy that English is the language of communication at all times, even when discoursing with speakers of the same language.

Authorised by The Principal
Date September 2023
Effective date of the policy September 2023
Circulation Teaching staff / all staff / parents / students on request
Review date September 2026
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