Risk Management and Risk Assessment Policy

Risk Management and Risk Assessment Policy

1. Scope

This guidance is applicable to all those with responsibility for developing and implementing risk management strategy and undertaking risk assessments for activities which are under their control.

2. Objectives

2.2.1 To ensure that major risks are identified and managed as part of an overarching policy with a view to promoting students’ welfare.

2.2.2 To meet the Independent School Standard Regulations (ISSR) requirement for a written risk assessment policy to be in place and to meet the requirement for leadership in and management of schools.

2.2.3 To ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken for activities where there is likely to be significant risk including College trips.

2.2.4 That identified control measures are implemented to control risk so far as reasonably practicable.

2.2.5 That those affected by College activities have received suitable information on what to do.

2.2.6 That the risk management strategy and risk assessments are recorded and reviewed when appropriate.

2.2.7 To identify those in the College responsible for conducting risk assessment and monitoring its implementation.

3. Guidance

3.3.1 The Principal will be responsible for the overarching risk management policy of the College. The overall strategy will be formally reviewed on an annual basis.

3.3.2 Areas of particular importance include:

(a) Safeguarding recruitment of staff

The safeguarding responsibility is delegated to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and deputies. The DSL is responsible for assessments of risk for each student and monitoring and updating these risk assessments. There are also general areas of safeguarding for which the DSL is responsible for risk assessments including: grooming and prevention of terrorism, contextual safeguarding responsibilities and, in conjunction with the Premises Manager, e-safety with regard to safeguarding.

(b) College trips, outings and special events

Risk assessments here are the responsibility of the Director of Studies.

(c) Premises and security, hazardous substances and cyber security

The Premises Manager is responsible for risk assessments for:

  • Fire
  • First aid
  • Utilities such as gas, water and electricity
  • Hazardous substances in conjunction with relevant Heads of Department in Science and Art
  • Cyber security, liaising with the DSL for safeguarding issues
  • Security against break-ins and intruders; this is shared with the Head of Administration who oversees monitoring student attendance and the lanyard system.
  • The management of contractors on the premises.

(d) Critical incident management

The lead responsibility rests with the Director of Studies who manages this with the Senior Management Team.

(e) Reputational and financial risk

This is the responsibility of the Principal.

For each of the above areas of risk the lead member of staff is responsible for:

  • The writing and recording of risk assessments within their area of risk responsibility.
  • Following up any incidents or accidents relating to an event within their area of risk responsibility and reporting to the Head of Health and Safety.
  • Reviewing annually the risk assessments for recurring activities within their area of risk responsibility and updating as appropriate.
  • Ensuring appropriate training and retraining for the management of risks within their area of risk management.

3.3.3 Recording each risk assessment is the immediate responsibility of the member of staff in charge of risk assessments for the relevant area. They must be kept as part of the College’s Management Information Systems.

3.3.4 The Head of Health and Safety will be responsible for the implementation of the risk assessment policy.

3.3.5 This guidance is applicable to general risk assessment. Where specialist skills are required, e.g. in relation to asbestos, fire, water quality and hazardous substances, there is separate Health and Safety Policy in place. Teaching area risk assessment checklists are also in place for guidance.

3.3.6  All staff will receive guidance on risk assessment as part of their induction. This will be refreshed on an annual basis. Risk assessment training will be provided on specific areas where identified by the Bursar / Maintenance Engineer / Head of Department.

3.3.7 A template risk assessment form is included at Appendix 1 to this guidance. The College adopts the CLEAPSS Advisory Service model risk assessments for lessons in Science.

3.3.8 Risk assessments will take into account:

(a) hazard – something with the potential to cause harm;

(b) risk – an evaluation of the likelihood of the hazard causing harm;

(c) risk rating – assessment of the severity of the outcome of an event;

(d) control measures – physical measures and procedures put in place to mitigate the risk.

3.3.9 The risk assessment process will consist of the following six assessment steps:

(1) What could go wrong?

(2) Who might be harmed?

(3) How likely is it to go wrong?

(4) How serious would it be if things go wrong?

(5) What are you going to do to stop it?

(6) How are you going to check that your plans are working?

3.3.10 The Head of Health and Safety will be responsible for the maintenance of risk assessment records. Where the policy is reviewed the College should identify how the review is recorded and considered e.g. by a H&S committee or similar.

3.3.11 Risk assessments will be reviewed:

(a) when there are changes to the activity;

(b) after a near miss or accident;

(c) when there are changes to the type of people involved in the activity;

(d) when there are changes in good practice;;

(e) when there are legislative changes;

(f) annually if for no other reason.

3.3.12 A list of areas (non-exhaustive) which will require risk assessment is included at Appendix 2.

Authorised by The Principal
Date September 2023
Effective date of the policy September 2023
Circulation Teaching staff / all staff / parents / students on request
Review date September 2026


Appendix 1: Ashbourne Risk Assessment Template (pdf)

Appendix 2: Areas requiring risk assessment (non-exhaustive)

  • Educational
  • Science experiments
  • Sport and PE activity
  • Art
  • Music
  • Drama & dance
  • General classroom
  • College trips
  • Attendance and security
  • Premises
  • Cleaning
  • Security and attendance
  • Maintenance
  • Office
  • Site visitors
  • Fire & emergencies
  • First aid
  • Water, gas, electricity and air conditioning
  • IT, cyber security and e-safety
  • Pupil Safeguarding and Welfare

Appendix 3: Legal Requirements & Education Standards

  • Handbook for the Inspection of Schools, The Regulatory Requirements, Part 3
  • Health & Safety Executive, Five steps to risk assessment
  • Health and Safety Advice on Legal Duties and Powers for Local Authorities, Head Teachers, Staff and Governing Bodies, DfE website.
  • Health and Safety at Work, Section H of the ISBA Model Staff Handbook,
  • Health and Safety and Welfare at Work, Chapter N of the ISBA Bursar’s Guide
  • Insurance, Chapter K of the Bursar’s Guide by HSBC Insurance Brokers Ltd
  • Risk Management framework: A Ten Point plan and What is Risk Management, NCVO
  • Home Office guidance on duties under the Counter Terrorism Act 2015
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